The Art of Crafting After Life Messages for Loved Ones: A 3-Step Guide

December 1, 2023
The Eternal Applications Staff
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Eternal Applications User Craft Their Message on Laptop
Photographed by:
Glenn Carstens

The biggest question we had when creating Eternal Applications had nothing to do with the development of the app itself, but was a question we all asked ourselves individually; "What will I even say when I go ahead an create my message(s)?". Most of us had no idea where to start.

We could each identify the people who we wanted to leave messages to; spouses, children, grandchildren, siblings and friends. But the question of what to say to them was an entirely different matter. How can you encapsulate often a lifetime of memories, wisdom, experience and love into a single message?

Now that we have some experience under our belt actually creating after life messages for ourselves, we got together and assembled a straightforward, 3-step guide on how to create your After Life Messages.

Step 1: Understanding After Life Messages

We first have to understand what these After Life Messages even are. They are digital expressions of love, wisdom, and memories left by individuals to be shared with their loved ones after they've passed away. These messages can take various forms, including text, video, and audio, providing a personalized and lasting connection beyond the realms of life.

By transcending the boundaries of time, After Life Messages offer a timeless bridge between the present and the future, ensuring that your words and sentiments continue to resonate with those you care about long after you're gone. Understanding what these message are at their very essence is the first step in creating them for yourself!

Step 2: Plan Out Your Message

Now that we understand what After Life Messages are, we can start simple by figuring out the basic information, the Who, What and When as we call it.

Here's a quick list of some of the people we at Eternal Applications had as recipients;

  • Spouses
  • Children
  • Grandchildren
  • Siblings
  • Extended Family (Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc.)
  • Friends
  • Community/Club Members
  • Mentors

A recipient or the "Who" can be anyone. We recommend leaving messages for anyone who has had a meaningful impact on your life. If you would thank them for being a part of your life, then they're likely a good person to leave a message for.

Now comes the "What" or rather, what medium would you like to use to reach your loved ones? The options are written, video and audio. Here are some advantages and disadvantages with each type:

Written Messages

Advantage: Text messages allow for clear and precise communication. You can carefully choose your words, ensuring that your message is conveyed exactly as intended. They are easily accessible and can be read at any time. This makes them convenient for recipients who may prefer to revisit the message or read it in private. Written messages offer the advantage of easy editing. You can revise and refine your message until it accurately reflects your thoughts and emotions.

Pro-Tip: if you upload a Word or PDF document, you can embed images within the file to go along with the writing!

Disadvantage: Text lacks the nuances of vocal tone and facial expressions. The absence of these cues may lead to potential misinterpretation of the sender's emotions or intentions. Expressing complex or deeply emotional sentiments through text alone can be challenging. Some emotions are better conveyed through visual or auditory means.

Audio Messages

Advantage: Audio messages capture the sender's tone of voice, allowing for a more nuanced expression of emotions compared to text alone. Audio messages provide a middle ground between the immediacy of text and the time commitment of video. They are more convenient for both sender and recipient.

Disadvantage: Like text, audio lacks visual cues, which can sometimes result in misinterpretation or incomplete understanding of the sender's emotions or intentions. Unlike text, audio messages are less easily edited once recorded.

Video Messages

Advantage: Video messages allow for a more profound emotional connection. Facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice contribute to a richer and more nuanced communication experience. Videos enable a personalized touch, letting the sender convey their message in a unique and authentic way. This personal touch can be particularly powerful for conveying sincerity and emotion. Video messages capture memorable moments and experiences, providing a visual and auditory archive that can be cherished by the recipient for years to come.

Disadvantage: Poor video quality or technical glitches can detract from the overall impact of the message. Recording and watching video messages can be time-consuming compared to quickly reading a text

As with all things in life, every option has an advantage and a disadvantage, whatever you choose is the right choice.

Lastly we have to decide the "When", as in "when do I want the message delivered?". On the Eternal Applications site, you will be prompted with a number of life events to choose from. After numerous interviews with our users, we've found the most common types to be

  1. Parting Messages / Final Wisdom: As the name suggests, this message is for any loved one that deserves a final goodbye. These messages are designed to be delivered shortly after your passing.
  2. Anniversary Messages: This is a chance to say one last "I Love You" to your life partner on your special day. It can be delivered on the first occurrence of the anniversary or at a fixed anniversary date (i.e. 50th anniversary)
  3. Birthday / Holiday Messages: These are typically delivered on the first occurrence of the birthday/holiday after the user's passing. As with the anniversary messages, these can be delivered on a fixed date (i.e. daughter's 50th birthday). Great for children and grandchildren.

You can also fully customize the date if none of the three above match your needs.

Step 3: Craft Your Message

Now that you know who, what and when as it relates the message, all that's left to do is actually create the messages. Take some time for introspection. Consider the values, lessons, and memories you want to leave behind. What aspects of your life do you want your loved ones to remember and cherish?

Whether it's a heartfelt letter, a video capturing your most cherished moments, or an audio recording of your comforting voice each message is meant to be truly yours. Infusing it with personal anecdotes, inside jokes, and the essence of your unique personality. This personal touch ensures that your message is a genuine reflection of who you are.

Here are 11 ideas you can use when crafting your message:

  1. Express Your Love: Begin by expressing your deep love and affection for your family and friends. Let them know how much they mean to you.
  2. Memories and Stories: Recount cherished memories and share stories that capture the essence of your life. These anecdotes can provide comfort and help keep your memory alive.
  3. Life Lessons: Share any valuable life lessons you've learned and how they've shaped you. Offer guidance and wisdom that you hope will serve them well in the future.
  4. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the moments, experiences, and relationships that have enriched your life. Thank them for their support and love.
  5. Legacy: Reflect on the legacy you hope to leave behind, whether it's in the form of values, principles, or contributions to society. Encourage your loved ones to carry on your legacy.
  6. Encourage Connection: Encourage your loved ones to lean on each other for support and to maintain strong connections. Stress the importance of family and friendship bonds.
  7. Final Wishes: If you have specific wishes regarding your funeral, possessions, or any other matters, make them clear in your message to ease the burden on your loved ones.
  8. Apologies and Forgiveness: If there are unresolved conflicts or regrets, use this opportunity to apologize and seek forgiveness, or offer forgiveness to others. It can provide closure and peace.
  9. Words of Comfort: Offer words of comfort and reassurance. Let them know that it's okay to grieve and that you'll always be with them in spirit.
  10. Closure: Conclude your message with a sense of closure and love. Reiterate your affection and the importance of carrying forward the love and lessons you've shared.
  11. Personal Traits: Highlight what you admire about each person, such as their kindness, sense of humor, resilience, or creativity. Share specific examples of how these traits have impacted your life and relationships.


Crafting After Life Messages is an art form that goes beyond conventional communication. It's a means of leaving a lasting legacy, providing comfort, and fostering connections that endure through time. Embrace the Eternal Applications After Life Message platform as a unique way to make your mark on the world, ensuring that your presence is felt long after you've bid farewell.